Saturday, July 3

mystery mystery

help me i'm hurt guru how can yo do that to me ? I know i'm not your pet daughter but how come you to that to me just because you hate me , just because i not *** . I'm so upset and disappointed with you , I can't believe you're like that . sigh =.= '' . you just watch guru  , i will make my comeback , the new me is coming just watch guru .

let's forget about that

oke finally semalam result exam keluar and guess what i got number 1 hehehe.chukka hayo qiqi . yea kamsahamnida hahahah.but the result not as great as yours right ? hehehe . ouh starting next week i will busy as i ever because i got a new timetable . fuhh pagi monday dah terus terus science favorite subject but huh =.='' tak ke sakai pagai-pagi belajar science buat la ekonomi ke ? aku nak ekonomi la pagi-pagi baru dah ade timetable baru rutin harian pun berubah la.semangat baru nak belajar rajin-rajin lu tahu x wa ade lagu bagi semangat ceh ceh 

first : the climb by miley cyrus
second : don't stop can't stop by 2pm

ade tutor tu cakap kite kene ade lagu yang bagi semangat kat kite supaye kite x putus asa.hehe. lagu 2pm tu memang sesuai dengan aku . 

ouh lupe , my sis dah nak balik puncak dah sob sob sob although we always fight but i do love her . K.mun also dah nak pergi melake dia amek course ape tah tak ingat la,hehehe but i gonna miss you too k.mun don't forget me 

p/s : k.mun sile bace ade pasal awak nie , hehehe.

 30 minute kemudian

ouhh i almost forget that coral speaking this year pun ade but I don't take part . i just almost forget nasib baek bce blog rara.she said that it sad that me and her tak boleh gelak-gelak time latihan ouhh rara qiqi pun sedih jugak x dapat join dah lah last year kan . sob sob sob don't forget about me when you practice yea .

p/s : this khas for rara


hari berkomunikasi aka hari mengorek rahsia sudah tibe.omg ibu ayah tak payah datang le.ibu and ayah tahu kan adek kan baek tak nakal heheh so tak payah la susah susah datng nie .yeah countdown TWILIGHT ECLIPSE dah start nie , hehe tak sabar le.go vampire go , go werewolf go :)

p/s : BRAZIL kalah sob sob sob its oke KAKA i tetap love you :) saranghaeyo .

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