Sunday, April 22

Moving on


I'm not doing okay lately . It's tough weeks for me . It's quite hard to deal with people nowadays . I saw many fuck people who fucking pretend like they care about me . I deal with fuck people who always leave a big scars on my heart . 

I feel everybody hates me . Suddenly I can't stop crying , my heart aches so badly , the tears won't stop from falling , the scars on my heart is not going to healed and I think to much till my head want to explode . 

I'm constantly miserable . I want to run away , run from this mess , run from this faked people . You know how it feels when you love someone but the leave you , you know how it feels when you treat people nicely , but they talking about you .  

I've been hurt so many times till I rather live alone in my own imagination and doing my own things and I will care about is my own self . No one can hurt me .

 I just need to '' move on '' , I'm proud of myself for being strong to facing all this , alone .