Monday, March 26

I'm A L I V E

Don't worry I'm still alive . Still attend school for the sake of my future . Now everything get back to normal eventhough I was left with a broken heart . So I force my lips to put on a '' smile '' a beautiful smile so people won't notice the pain is killing me from the inside . 

I choose not depend on anybody else, I actually learn something form it, I've learn to be independent. 

Sunday, March 11

Sawadikap .

Assalamualaikum and hello guys . Anybody miss me ? auww so sweet I miss you olz too . Gonna blog about my trip to Hat Yai trip . Me went to Siam shopping center everyday . Did't miss all single minutes . I love my hotel , in front of it is shopping mall . So cool . I went there with my mom . We do some window shopping due to tiredness . 

'' mom can we go to KOREA ? '' I should save money NO NO I MUST save money .