Saturday, July 31

My Calves doesn’t hurt at all.

Even when I’m bleed, it doesn’t hurt.
I’m not sure the reason why.
It’s just…
My hurt feels like flying towards the end of the skies.
It might even reach the moon.

Thursday, July 29

appa saengil chukha hamnida

weee today is my father birthday , ENCIK IBRAHIM BIN AHMAD . i not always say i love to you but i really love you .hehhee . i hope you stay healthy and strong . may your umor panjang so that you can see me get married yea father . ADEK REALLY LOVE YOU . 


boleh saye nak tinggi ?

saye nak menambah tinggi ke 163 cm boleh tak ? wey saye nak tinggi lagi , tinggi lagi sikit . boleh la tolong la saye yea . orang selalu panggil saye pendek . huh wtf hahaha ( tipu je la ) but i really nak tambah tinggi . guru kate perempuan biler dah berumor 17 tahun tinggi dia tak boleh nak lebih - lebih dah . ala paling kurang pun sampai umor 2o tahun jea . aku hanye ade berape tahun je lagi sebelum tinggi ku tidak meningkat . hari - hari minum susu dutch lady nie , sebab nak cepat tinggi . wah wah wah , tengok je la nanti tinggi saye melambung tinggi nie :)

Sunday, July 25

best holiday ever .

adek beca . HAHAHA

sewa basikal . so cute la warne putih kan kan kan ?

et sakai

qiqi perry :D

2 days 1 night holiday kat teluk batik . weee best giler 

ummu b'day party

cake birthday ummu

hajar , caza , qiqi and farah 

qiqi , et , hajar

Thursday, July 22

goodbye :)

BYE BYE BLOGGER . aku akan kurang active dalam berblogging dan berfacebook . akaun myspace aku phun macam dah bersawang je aku tengok . tak sampai sepuluh saat dah aku off kan . heheheh.formspring aku je yang tinggal nak tanye , tanye je lah maybe aku akan balas 2-3 bulan nanti yea .

guru aku kate trial spm lagi beape minggu je . so aku kene study giler giler la nie . bukan ape aku banyak dah miss semua subject sebab aku busy buat keje kusus seni aku yang dah siap tu .bangge doe agak gembire .
sejak due menjak nie aku suke , excited , teruje nak belajar or buat latihan math . i love math la . HAHAHA.aku akan try berjuang sampai ke penamat . SPM tunggu saye yea :)

Wednesday, July 21

sangat suke .

Semakan Status Terpilih Siri 8/2011 maaf .
No KP anda tidak terdapat dalam senarai yang terpilih

Tuesday, July 13

blood sucker .

why i acting like this ? omh help me , my heart is pounding very fast . can you slow it down ? what happened to you qiqi perry ? 



omg , i have a big crush on him . ily  ♥

Monday, July 12


trimas ibu , ayah , mak mok , pak cik , along nului , angah bila , along memien , anagh pika , hyqhal and eera .trimas kepade semua name di atas coz kerana mereka nie saye ( qiqi perry ) dapat tengok TWILIGHT ECLIPSE 

boom boom TWILIGHT 

ketibaan di THE CURVE

menangkap gambar parking :)

menunjuk tiket TWILIGHT ECLIPSE pukul 1.30

mentengok along memein maen :)

along nului belanje makan ice-cream mc-d.

eera gedik :)

singgah sebentar membeli donashi . aww i love donashi .

angah bila , gedik .

along joreng .

meet bella swan hohoohh :)


team EDWARD CULLEN ( vampire )

mengsnap snap sambil menunggu along and angah beli makan kat ikea .

liya gedik :)

last pic sebelum balik :)

Saturday, July 10

ade jodoh ?

heheheh ( gelak manje la konon) konon la konon nye , weee semalam kan semalam kan , apek miscall qiqi hahaha seperti ade chemistry  la . time uh qiqi memang nak miscall dia , tengok-tengok dia yang miscall dulu . sangat happy sampai jantung berdegup laju sepreti sungai kinabatangan yang mengalir dengan deras tu .

maybe tak jadi tengok TWILIGHT ECLIPSE kot tak de sorang phun yang nak bawak kami tengok tapi ayah nak pergi hantar printer kat angah mungkinkah akan melancong ke THE CURVE ? i hope my dear i hope.EDWARD CULLEN wait for me .

Thursday, July 8

so sleepy

wah wah wah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh let's me scream first , omg i so so so and so tired la.dari pukul 3.30 sampai sekarang pukul 7.16 aku still x tidur-tidur gune tenage sepanjang hari wah i'm so sleepy . just because nak tengok El nino and villa lawan sanggup bangun pagi bute tu wey , hehehe .kat sekolah tadi aku tak rase mengantok pun semuanye oke sahaje but dah nak malam nie mate tak dapat bertahan.malam kang nak buat keje seni mesti tidur lambat punye .krut krut bunyi pe tu (perut lapar le,ibu baru masak) hungry so hungry .

semalam hari berinteraksi semua oke kot ayah kate kene tingkatkan lagi usaha.i promise you father i will make you proud , thats my promise to you .ouh harini kiteorang dah decide dah whether jadi g tengok ECLIPSE ke tak ? and the answer is of course we gonna watch it heheh . tak sabarnye la jom ikot qiqi nak ?  and one more thing next friday birthday my best friends UMMU KALSUM and we gonna throw a surprised b'day party for her , et ask whether i can pay Rm5 to celebrate ummu b'day and of course i can . i think i want to buy her a present but ape yea ? but i really want to buy her a t-shirt . good idea right ? hehehe gonna ask mother to backup a little money for me  :)

Sunday, July 4

kakak form 6 yang berbuntot besar !

this entry khas buat kak mun yang disayangi . actually qiqi sedih sangat sebab tak sempat jumpe kak mun di hari-hari terakhir kak mun kat bidor nie but its oke kan nanti kak mun balik cuti sem qiqi datang rumah kak mu n tidur terus phu boleh , boleh kan ? hehehe.

i never thought that we will become a friends, because we know each other when you'r in form 6 and i'm in form 4 . it such a nice experience and nice moment in my life.trimas because qiqi berkesempatan kenal kak mun dalam hidup qiqi.i never say this but i really love you kak mun . kak mun selalu ade time qiqi nak cerite pasal babun babun yang tak bergune hehehe.jujur qiqi cakap time first tengok kak mun qiqi rase kak mun berlagak but lame-lame dah kenal qiqi suke kat kak mun and anggap k.mun macam kakak sendiri  :)

jage diri ekk kat melake bandar besejarah tu hehehe . remember i always remember and love you kak mun :)

Saturday, July 3

mystery mystery

help me i'm hurt guru how can yo do that to me ? I know i'm not your pet daughter but how come you to that to me just because you hate me , just because i not *** . I'm so upset and disappointed with you , I can't believe you're like that . sigh =.= '' . you just watch guru  , i will make my comeback , the new me is coming just watch guru .

let's forget about that

oke finally semalam result exam keluar and guess what i got number 1 hehehe.chukka hayo qiqi . yea kamsahamnida hahahah.but the result not as great as yours right ? hehehe . ouh starting next week i will busy as i ever because i got a new timetable . fuhh pagi monday dah terus terus science favorite subject but huh =.='' tak ke sakai pagai-pagi belajar science buat la ekonomi ke ? aku nak ekonomi la pagi-pagi baru dah ade timetable baru rutin harian pun berubah la.semangat baru nak belajar rajin-rajin lu tahu x wa ade lagu bagi semangat ceh ceh 

first : the climb by miley cyrus
second : don't stop can't stop by 2pm

ade tutor tu cakap kite kene ade lagu yang bagi semangat kat kite supaye kite x putus asa.hehe. lagu 2pm tu memang sesuai dengan aku . 

ouh lupe , my sis dah nak balik puncak dah sob sob sob although we always fight but i do love her . K.mun also dah nak pergi melake dia amek course ape tah tak ingat la,hehehe but i gonna miss you too k.mun don't forget me 

p/s : k.mun sile bace ade pasal awak nie , hehehe.

 30 minute kemudian

ouhh i almost forget that coral speaking this year pun ade but I don't take part . i just almost forget nasib baek bce blog rara.she said that it sad that me and her tak boleh gelak-gelak time latihan ouhh rara qiqi pun sedih jugak x dapat join dah lah last year kan . sob sob sob don't forget about me when you practice yea .

p/s : this khas for rara


hari berkomunikasi aka hari mengorek rahsia sudah tibe.omg ibu ayah tak payah datang le.ibu and ayah tahu kan adek kan baek tak nakal heheh so tak payah la susah susah datng nie .yeah countdown TWILIGHT ECLIPSE dah start nie , hehe tak sabar le.go vampire go , go werewolf go :)

p/s : BRAZIL kalah sob sob sob its oke KAKA i tetap love you :) saranghaeyo .